Mtv’s ’16 And Pregnant’ Unwelcome In Tinley Park

Michael Papandrea, who licenses space at the train station from Tinley Park and owns a separate Parmesans location in Frankfort, said MTV filmed a dinner segment between the teen and her mother at the restaurant’s Frankfort location. When he was approached about filming at his restaurant, Papandrea said he had the same initial reaction as Zabrocki. But he changed his mind after giving the matter further consideration, reasoning that the show has a positive effect on teenage pregnancies, he said. In 2010, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy found that most teens “agree that when a TV show or character they like deals with teen pregnancy, it makes them think more about their own risk of getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy and how to avoid it.” Zabrocki said he has only ever watched part of one episode, featuring a mother arguing with her daughter about baby sitting the web link grandchild. “It was kind of a conflict of mom saying, ‘I’m always watching your webpage kid and you’re going out,'” Zabrocki recalled. “‘Hey, this is yours. I raised you. Now it’s my time to sit down and read my book.'” Nolting said his wife enjoys the show and he has watched it with her, but he isn’t a fan of the reality television genre.
Full story:,0,4412880.story

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